![]() A few days ago, over a delicious lunch, my sweet friend shared about a book she recently read in the span of two days. Though the book wasn’t lengthy, it normally would take a bit longer for most people to make their way from cover to cover. My friend, on the other hand, plowed through like a race horse. When I asked her why, she said it was because she was anxious to get to the good part meaning the redemptive part of the story. Apparently, this man’s autobiography is painful to process without hearing it’s redeeming qualities. We call this a testimony or as I have grown fond of calling them- a God Story. My friend’s obsession with reaching a particular destination in the man’s story demonstrates what all our hearts long for in any difficult journey… That “but God” moment! That “X” marks the spot on a timeline defined by human failure, hardship, pain or tragedy. That point in time when God shows up and begins to show off. Of course, He has been there all along waiting for the opportune time to demonstrate His grace, wisdom and radical love. Waiting to punctuate “but God” moments on the pages of His-story. A quick re-cap of a handful of journeys recorded on the pages of Scripture illustrate this repetitive theme: Adam ate the fruit but God… Cain murdered his brother but God… Abram was an idol worshipper living in Ur of the Chaldees but God… Sarai was barren but God… Rebekah was barren but God… Joseph was taken down to Egypt but God… The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt but God… Rehab was a prostitute but God… Ruth was a widowed foreigner but God… Bartimaeus was blind but God… Simon was a leper but God… Peter was in prison but God… Tabitha (Dorcas) was dead but God… Paul was a persecuting murderer but God… You can probably think of a few from your own history with God. I lost my job but God… My husband divorced me but God… My car broke down but God… I lost a child but God… I had cancer but God… I was a drug addict but God… I was homeless but God… Without exception, every God story has it’s “but God” moments. All punctuated with His love, grace, and faithfulness to redeem and restore lives in the midst of a harsh and hurting world. “But God” is always the best part of any redemptive story! Here is what I want you to tuck into your heart for today- Your story isn’t finished yet! Many more “but God” moments are on the horizon. Whatever you are facing today that looks daunting, painful, fierce, impossible or plain old exhausting there is a “but God” moment coming designed just for you to punctuate His goodness and faithfulness! Our lives are being shaped by a repetition of “but God” moments, and there is an ultimate “but God” moment coming for all of us who believe, the magnum opus of all “but God” moments… For the Lord, himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
Lisa Cook