![]() Sometimes it is good to reflect on what our lives might have looked like if Christ had never come. Have you ever tried to imagine a world without Christ? Not that long ago I read through a book by Alvin Schmidt entitled “How Christianity Changed the World.” It was absolutely stunning, to say the least. So much of what we enjoy today can be traced back and linked to Christ. For starters, the dignity and freedom that we as women, in the west, enjoy are inextricably connected to the words and example of Jesus. Or as one man wrote, “The birth of Jesus was the turning point in the history of women.” But this is not the only area of culture and society that have been shaped by His coming. Virtually every aspect of life as we know it has been dramatically influenced by Him. The formation of hospitals and health care, the importance and advancement of education, the sanctification of human life, the abolishment of slavery, liberty and justice for all, and even the progress of science, to name just a few. Without question, the landscape of modern life would look and feel frightfully different if Jesus had not come into the world. Thankfully He did! Contrary to what some would have us believe the world truly is a far better place because He came. What about the landscape of your own life? How would it be different if you had never come to know the love and grace of Jesus Christ? How does your life testify to the reality of a Savior having been born to you? For me personally, I have Jesus to thank for a drug-free life, a restored marriage, a sound mind, a healed heart, a renewed purpose, and a hope-filled future - to name just a few. I encourage you to take a moment and name a few of your own. Then follow it up with some hearty praise and heartfelt thanksgiving. Feel free to share them with me if you like. I would love to hear your reason for rejoicing and rejoice with you. As you celebrate the real treasure of Christmas—Jesus Christ—I pray you will be struck with fresh awe and wonder at the birth of a Savior who not only changed the world but has changed your very life. There is one final thought that I sense the Holy Spirit impressing me to communicate- In the famous words of Bachman-Turner Overdrive, "You ain't seen nothing yet!" The Lord has more in store. Your final act has not come and gone-He's not finished with you so stay tuned in and tuned Up! The Lord is preparing you for even greater things to come. Merry Christmas, my friend! May His rich blessings continue to abound toward you! Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11
Lisa Cook