![]() Enjoy a special guest blog post by Author Leta Pereira... Will You Follow? As we come to the end of 2016, I find myself asking, ”Has it really been almost eight years Lord?!” As I ponder the life-changing encounter that happened in that middle-of-the night of January, 2009, I am once again in awe… Laying down to sleep, how could I have ever imagined that I was going to be called to make a journey? Most likely you’re thinking it happened in a dream, but that wasn’t the case. Rather, I was awakened from a sound sleep to hear the clearly spoken words “Come…Follow Me My child.” The Voice was tender, the words wrapped in gentle insistence. I knew my Heavenly Father was calling me that night, and I HAD to respond. The Love I sensed around me in that moment was so Immense, my heart would have surely been crushed with the weight of denial, had I chosen not to obey. All I knew was that I had to get up and start writing. I had no idea what but, within a few minutes, I held the answer in my hand…nine verses of a poem, penned from the Heart of God. Unbelievable one might say…yet, why so? Within the pages of the Bible, we hear The Voice of God calling to people down through the ages. We should not be surprised to hear His Voice. Rather, we should EXPECT to hear His Voice. Asleep or awake, His Presence surrounds us. All He asks is for a heart that responds to Him, as the boy Samuel did…”Speak, for your servant hears.” (1st Samuel 3: 9-10) What happened on that night in early January of 2009 was not limited to nine verses. Over the course of the days following, I continued to receive more. They always came unexpectedly, and they were always wrapped in that same gentle insistence that they must be written. As one verse followed another, they blended beautifully into the completion of the poem “Come…Follow Me.” This became the first poem in the book entitled The Message Maker, a compilation of 56 poems, each one supernaturally given for me to write down from 2009-2012. When I speak to others, relating how my journey as His “pen” began…of all the Divine encounters and appointments I have had along the way, and continue to have…of all the lives that have been touched as others hear His Voice speaking to them within the pages of The Message Maker, I love to share Joel 2: 28-29. It is such a confirmation of what The Lord is doing throughout our world today . He is pouring out His Spirit, just as He said He would. May we raise our eyes to Heaven, lift our hands in Praise, and attune the ears of our spirt to hear His Voice, as we open the door of our hearts to obey. I can assure you that it will be a journey like no other should you make the choice to follow … “Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1: 1 www.meetthemessagemaker.com Following is the introductory poem to the book. My prayer is that as you read through the lines, you will sense the Presence of Jesus…The Message Maker… The Message Maker The words flow through my spirit As the pen is put to paper. I place them verse by verse, But He is The Message Maker. The Holy Spirit’s gentle prodding Of the words He will convey, Words meant to reach His children In a poem’s special way. The rhythm of rhyming thoughts, His Heartbeat of Mercy through the lines, The longing of His Love Extended throughout time. When the lines are placed together, When each poem is complete, I add one to another, Then I wait for Him to Speak. For all is in His Timing As to when each will be shared. I wait here as His vessel, For Him to tell me when and where. Where to carry these words He has given, Words to encourage, uplift and guide, Words to enlighten this dubious world, Words to confirm He forever abides. He is The Maker of each poem. He is The Writer of each line. He is our Heavenly Father. His Love is yours; His Love is mine. He longs to touch our hearts In a way we will understand That in the reading of these poems, We will hear The Great I AM. Scripture Reference: Mark 4: 24 Leta Rae Pereira
![]() “I was young and fearful,” she continued, delighting in the opportunity to share what she had treasured for so long. However, the bittersweet sting of those distant memories brought her back to that strange place. Strange, not only because it lacked the warmth and comfort of home but because their destination had taken them so far away from those that would have surrounded her with nurturing, knowledgeable care. As she continued to relay her story, she could almost feel the chill of that dark, dank cave on her now aged skin and smell the putrid air once again. “I remember so many questions and unspoken concerns that plagued my young heart that night. Questions like, ‘Did I make a mistake in coming?’ or ‘If only I hadn’t insisted on staying an extra day before leaving maybe we could have gotten better lodging.' Oh, but these thoughts came and went as the sudden pangs of the next contraction seized me. The time was near, and we needed to do what had to be done, so my husband and I made the best of what seemed like a bad situation. He was strong and patient, but I could see the concern mixed with fear in his eyes. There we were, seemingly all alone, and feeling somehow like we had failed. Never the less, nature took its course, and there in that drafty, damp, cold, smelly place He, Jesus, was born. Using what was available, Joseph removed the ‘swaddling clothes’ from his waist. I then took the long gauze-like strips and gently wrapped up the baby’s soft fragile tiny body for warmth. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the significance of wrapping Him, our precious newborn, in what is usually reserved for a traveler’s death. Burial clothes! A long pause hung in the air as she pondered that moment. Luke then gently asked, trying to thoroughly uncover all the facts from this amazing yet humble woman, “So you were all alone that night? Besides you and Joseph there were no other witnesses to His birth?” “Yes and no,” Mary thoughtfully replied with a slight grin on her face as if she was about to reveal some hidden secret treasure. “We had visitors. Not the kind you might expect for the arrival of a King, but you and I both know that Jesus is no ordinary King.' "I was exhausted and needed to rest,” she resumed, “and although my arms longed to hold Him close, both Joseph and I thought it best not to have the baby on the filthy wet floor. So Joseph did what he could to make the feeding trough sanitary, dry, and warm. I laid there intent on capturing the sound of every breath and movement of my newborn baby as my mind again began to question; had we somehow missed God’s direction or could we have made better choices to assure His arrival would come in a more welcoming environment?" "At the same time, I was awestruck with the wonder and responsibility of birthing God’s Son who was so tiny and dependent. Dependant on me, His mother! With my thoughts and emotions swirling, I drifted off to sleep whispering a prayer expressing both my concern and amazement." "The next thing I remember, Joseph was gently waking me up to alert me of visitors. I did my best to compose myself as Joseph brought the only lamp we had closer. The unexpected visitors humbly came into the light, and as they did their faces seemed to radiate with joy. Hardly able to contain themselves these men shared with great animation details about what they had witnessed. (A MULTITUDE OF ANGELS REJOICING!!) I could barely hold back the tears! All my doubts and questions were melting with every word they spoke. Suddenly in my heart, I was overwhelmed with the intimate knowledge that we were precisely where we were supposed to be. In a moment that dark, cool, unfriendly cave was strangley transformed into a cozy, friendly place of warmth and love. By sending these shepherds directly to us to adore their Savior, God had affirmed, encouraged, and warmed our souls! There were many things that I would not be able to understand in the days and years to come, but what I did know and was convinced of in that moment, I tucked securely in my heart as a treasure to ponder and as an anchor for my soul: Immanuel, God is with us!" “But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart” Luke 2:19 |
Lisa Cook