![]() “California Bay Area takes the top spot when it comes to de-churched adults”. Barna Research 2015. This means not only are people not attending church but they are leaving. Information like this can be disheartening. While raising my kids I would have dreamed about moving out of the area, not wanting to raise them in a location that seeks to undermine the very faith we hope to instill. For some it leads to feeling paralyzed and outnumbered choosing to quietly and privately live out their faith because after all; what can one person do? The Israelites had been paralyzed with fear because of the “champion” of the Philistines named Goliath. This representative was 10 feet tall, probably 300 pounds of pure body mass with an additional 200 plus pounds of armor. For 40 days morning, noon, and night this giant would come out onto the battlefield yelling “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together”. And…when all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid.” 1 Samuel 17: 10-11 Israel felt daunted, dismayed and paralyzed knowing they had no match among them for this menacing giant. That is until a teenage boy by the name of David showed up with a giant sized portion of faith and confidence declaring “who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” David confronted Goliath head on believing, speaking and acting in faith because he knew the covenant of God with Israel. Circumcision marked the Israelites out as God’s covenant people with special promises. He went onto the battlefield that day and slew a man that was way beyond his own physical capabilities. Not because he was good with a sling shot but because by faith he acted on the covenant promises. The result of his faith in action brought victory to an entire nation. We too are in covenant with God through Jesus Christ! The question today is; what can one person do who chooses to act in faith based on the covenant promises of God? I will leave it up to you to find out! Join me Thursday’s @ 1:30pm on KKMC 880AM to learn more about your New Covenant provisions.
Lisa Cook