![]() When our kids were fairly young, my husband and I decided to make an investment for the family by purchasing my parents old 1973 motor-home. Though it wasn’t much to look at it sure was a stark improvement from the demands of tent camping. Complete with a small fridge, kitchen sink, stove, toilet, and a shower. It was even equipped with a battery that made it possible for me to plug in a specialty 12-volt hair dryer! Woohoo!! As a woman who enjoys her creature comforts, I can’t begin to tell you what a “happy camper” this improvement turned me into. Some of my best memories are from those lakeside trips taken in that old motor-home. As often as we could, we’d pack all five of us into that green El Dorado and make the two-hour drive to our favorite lake. Typically, that meant trying to leave town on Thursday or Friday to beat the weekend crowd for the best spot. And by the best spot I mean the kind of spot that allowed you to park right next to the water’s edge on elongated pieces of land that jetted out creating long water coves. This camping on the water’s edge was a tradition carried over from my youth. I spent many summers trekking to that same lake with my parents and a large group of their friends. Long days playing in the water followed by BBQ’s and campfires were something I wanted my own children to experience and enjoy. Consequently, I believed the closer to the water the better the real estate. This way swimming was an all-day option. My husband being the good man that he is would make it his aim to hunt down and stake his claim on the best spot he could find as close to the water as he could get. This always worked out marvelously until one year the water line was lower than usual. In his usual style, he scoured the land for the best and closest. Only this time it meant parking on, what looked to me like mud. Needless to say, I had reservations that I openly expressed. Namely, “I don’t want to get stuck in the mud!!” He assured me it was okay and we wouldn’t get stuck but somehow, I envisioned a Bernstein Bears scenario playing out before the end of the weekend. However, at this point, he had already made his claim, and there was no convincing him to give it up. So, he parked. What he did next, I will never forget. To this day when questioned about the incident, he is at a loss for why he did it. Call it a whim or a moment of insanity- all reasoning seemed to be tossed to the wind. Anyone who has some experience with motorhomes understands the value of keeping it as level as possible. Everything just works better when the vehicle is leveled. Typically, this is done using wedges and wood planks, all of which we always carried with us. But on this particular occasion, he decided a shovel was a better tool than a wedge. A shovel, as in to dig holes with. Yes, you guessed it, he dug four holes (in the mud, mind you) with that shovel and then proceeded to drive straight into them. Two days later when it came time to drive out of them, we were completely stuck like a prisoner futilely attempting to escape from their shackles. Try as we might with all the help my scrawny little arms could muster, the additional six arms of the kids, and a few extras from neighboring campers that motorhome wasn’t going to budge. So, like any rational person with a 2,000-pound motorhome stuck in the mud, next to the lake- we called AAA roadside assistance. Fortunately, their motto is- Any car. Anytime. Anywhere. We put them to the test, and they came through. We’ve been solid members ever since. Moral of the story: When you are stuck in the mud you need some roadside assistance that is willing to go where you are and help where you’re at. Even when you are the one who dug the pit you’re stuck in. Thankfully we have Someone who is willing and able to do just that. We know Him as The Holy Spirit, and He is better than AAA. Jesus promised us that He would not leave us as orphans! And I will pray for the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. John 14:16-18 The Holy Spirit wants to instruct you, guide you, strengthen you and even bless you on your road to freedom. He will never abandon you, nor betray your trust in Him. Even if you fail seven times in one day, He will help you to stand up again. His patience does not wear thin, and His love will never wax cold. The temptations you struggle with are not an offense to Him. You are His beloved child, and He is your greatest advocate. Excerpt taken from Lisa's soon to be released book: Releasing Captives! 7 Steps to breaking free from any stronghold!
Christine Jensen
1/18/2018 07:19:09 am
Lisa, thank you so much for your encouraging words. I just shared your 1-15-18 entry with another sister who really needed to hear those words. I'm excited to hear about the book you're releasing, "Releasing Captives"-- very timely topic for the times in which we live. Thank you, sister!
1/18/2018 09:49:12 am
So thankful! Appreciate you taking the time to share, Christine.
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Lisa Cook